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herc4justice last won the day on February 24 2022

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  1. Nickname: [esu.familia]herc Topic: -/- Reason: Blacklist abuse I don't even know how to begin this case, I simply logged in, after not playing 7 days on any samp servers. I actually expected that someday this will happen, but there are always people with the wrong power, happens everywhere not even in the entire world, who else thought on RSS? I of course not)). Whatever back to the story, I just went to my base and saw there people, under them daredevil the best pro in RSS, killed him and tweet 1-3 times and then suddenly he banned me, which I kinda expected it, but not on this way. Whatever this guy has against me I dont know it, personally I feel im not the only person which is victim under his decisions. Same case against bkp where he banned me even after Generals / Captains decided to unban me due to a wrong ban (I'll come later on this, since there is also corruption and influenced things why Daredevil unbanned me ). Of course I recorded it all, I mean comon don't you are feeling kinda idiotic while banning me , when you know im recording my whole gameplay 24 / 7 ? I've 2 videos , Video 1 | Video 2. In this videos you can already see I dont have anything turned on, clearly a rageban,I wouldnt be surprised if im the first one getting victim of that shit, on the second video, you can see how he tries to hate and trashtalk me to the ground, I DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING TO HIM I JUST KILLED HIM AND HE TRASHTALKS INSTANTLY , HOW IN THE WORLD THIS GUY REACHED SOMETHING MORE THAN OTHER PEOPLE DESERVED MORE ??? And im sure not the ONLY person which thinks hes abusing his powers, hes doing 1 mistake by another one man cmon, you dont even know poop about cheats, you wanted to ban four because of sprinthook, if a player with expierence didnt wrote anything, he would've went to hell man. And your plays with NMK friends are also too obviously cmon dude you are even getting influenced by 1 player called Gr4h. Back to that corruption stuff, without Gr4h I wouldnt probably even play RSS , hes the guy which told you to unban me, and you did it man. If he wouldnt delete his Discord account I could leak the whole chat where he even showed me that you got influenced by him. And now dont evne try to ignore this and lie again man what is wrong with you. Did you got another paypal transfer or what was the reason you banned me ? Same to the case with slade , I and gr4h busted him , I pmed you and ONLy with gr4h's opinion you banned him but there he was blacklisted and shouldnt actually count shit man. I cant show it actually since my main account got also banned on forum. Also, it's funny how you banned me everywhere to keep my mouth silent lmafo if it even wasn't needed. You are like bkp you are doing shits from 1 to the other moment same as bkp banned drastic ( Without a complaint) he thinks he's general but he is actually an admin doesn't it count on admins ?? so everyone can ban everyone lol ?? I hope I could clear up things and show the truth behind this man, corrupted people everywhere. Have a nice day, adios waiting for an answer from this "staff" team if we even can call it like that, since everyone doing what they want EDIT: To prove my accusations against corruption, I found here screenshots of conversations in the forum. https://prnt.sc/vspuExrhMjhR - Here, I am just only right with my assumptions, that guy doesn't have any clue what is going on when it's going about cheating and that is also explaining to his fail decisions which we ALL know and SEEN here( I don't think I need to show here every topic of fail decisions). https://prnt.sc/SU_UKwL7Xl2N | https://prnt.sc/Z80ySDbOxrqd | Just look at it man, only with him he banned him, And don't tell me, you are so fast discussing it with all the staffs in less then minutes/hour never ever in my life. https://prnt.sc/pHdwMdaRY-Mi Another thing look here, he just "unbanned" me because GR4h told him to do so because they had a good connection in this time, daredevil just did it without anything saying, and he isn't even himself actually realizing if it cheated or not, and that's also another thing I wanted to show. If you understand now what this kind of person is you will believe my stories, if not, then go dance after his feet, and good luck in someday you'll reach better things. Another thing is, https://prnt.sc/qJRI42Zdxdi7 | https://prnt.sc/M1N4jnSsusvi , here this thing. Actually, I don't have any proof against it if you use something but here that's what karma sent me. https://streamable.com/axt7va But here is a video, he gives instantly 5 hits bro, from where did you learn? from gr4h?? or cheats. This guy never plays sa:mp comes once In a month online and gives these hits to a skilled player with litefoot and stuff man how? And we arent even able to ban you, but you are banning kie$ for a clip which is max 10 seconds? Come on man you are only doing some corruption stuff with NMK , brother don't bring me to prove it too. Whatever guys believe it me or not, but if you only would be in my situation you would've believed it too, since I brang prooves which are speaking actual facts You'll know this screen but I'm still gonna put it
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