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[Regulament Sectiune]

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Sa posteze reclamatul, cel care a facut reclamatia, si responsabilii!


1. Daca nu esti implicat, nu posta. Cine posteaza, o zi ban pe forum.
2. Respecta modelul de postare.
3. Board-ul se ocupa doar cu reclamatiile de pe Forum nu si de pe server.
4. Cei care au dreptul sa posteze: Reclamatul, Reclamantul si Responsabilii sectiunii.
5. Doar in cazul in care ai o dovada concreta poti face reclamatia.
6. Pastrati un limbaj decent si nu insultati sau amenintati user-ul reclamat.
7. Membrii care detin GM nu au dreptul sa inchida / editeze / stearga un topic de la acest board. (Doar in cazul in care situatia o impune: reclama de exemplu)
8. DOAR cei doi responsabili si ownerii pot lua o decizie asupra celui reclamat. Daca se implica altcineva, are ban. *updates coming soon*




Will post only the complained user, the complainant, and officials.


1. If you don't have anything to do with this complaint, don't post. Who posts, one day banned on forum.

2. Respect the model.

3. The board is only for complaints from Forum, not from server.

4. Who is allowed to post: complained user, complainant and officials of the section.

5. Only if you have good proofs you can make the complaint.

6. Keep a nice language and don't insult or threaten the complained user.

7. Members that have GM are not allowed to lock / edit / delete a topic from this board. (Only if there are advertisement)

8. ONLY the two officials and owners can make a decision to the complained user. If someone gets in, has ban. *updates coming soon*


Edited by The.Extreme
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